
Patrick Johns
'Sun Jockey'
Wellness Coach
Growing up expressing spirituality was commonplace in my home. I lived a faithful life as a Mormon – (The Church of Jesus Christ of the Latter-Day Saints.) I was taught there was God and he loved me, and I could speak to him through prayer. Learning to feel for subtle tones and whispers of intuition became the way God spoke back. Using God’s power on Earth, the priesthood, I was taught how to prepare and bless sacraments, give blessings, and receive inspiration for myself and those in my stewardship. I got to experience the anguish of sinning and the sweet relief of repentance that felt very intimate with my God. All these practices made me noticeably more sensitive to subtle impressions of consciousness or through what the Mormons call “The Holy Ghost.” At the age of 19 I was prepared to dedicate 24 consecutive, uninterrupted months of 24 hours service to God, in Mexico. Daily I flexed intuitive power to listen to the direction of God. Upon completing my mission I continued to study and learn, committing myself to complete all the rituals and ceremonies.
As I grew older, although I experienced wealth, popularity, power, and respect in my communities my joy waned. I realized I had begun to defer my happiness for the promise of future glory and fulfillment. I became increasingly at odds with my feelings. It manifested as stress, irritation, depression, and anxiety. My life was a never-ending exchange of my energy output for an IOU. However, being taught to enter the gate and walk the narrow path was the only way forward I continued to endure. Until one day I thought, “I’ve arrived! I did it! I achieved the success I’ve been working toward!” Then something unexpected happened … I didn’t feel any different than I had always felt. Then came a letdown as I felt I had been duped. It was a hoax. I was missing EVERYTHING life truly offered. I was led to believe life was a journey, a pilgrimage with a serious purpose at the end. And the purpose was to get to THAT end, be it success or heaven after I died. When the whole time life was a musical thing not a destination. I was meant to sing and dance as life’s symphony played. There was no choice left but to leave my religion.
Enthusiastic for new life scaffolding and curious to discover life’s mysteries I embarked on a new adventure that would consume me for nearly a decade. I had the opportunity to experience several forms of human suffering as I learned to confront myself more honestly. Traumas stacked up and in the darkest moments when all was lost when my thoughts circled and circled confining my belief that death was the only solution - I found true life. While in that dark state I mentally forfeited everything. It wasn’t until then I could learn that death preceded birth. Birth of something that couldn’t have existed had something not died. Eventually, I recognized that every major struggle and sacrifice in my life was the predecessor of growth and discovery. No longer was death frightening. Death became a friend who was misunderstood.
It wasn’t long after that the healing sound of psychedelics began to play synchronistically around my life in full “surround sound” effect. Meaning, every podcast, new article, casual conversation, song played, etc. all seemed to point to psychedelics as a remedy for my pains. When the opportunity for the appropriate psychedelic experience arose, I jumped and was forever changed. Never in all my years of devoted Mormonism had I encountered forgiveness, unconditional love, acceptance, nurturing, and safety like I had from that experience. In the following weeks I felt a flood of joy enter my life and I rediscovered all the spiritual powers I had been practicing in religion returned like muscle memory. My intuition and sensitivity to subtle impressions of consciousness were now mine to command freely. No longer under the restraint of dogma, rhetoric, and rigid ideologies.
I found myself quickly involved in groups learning, sharing, and discovering the benefits of these medicines. Complimentary, I explored other altered states of consciousness, breathwork, plant medicines, shamanic traditions, alternative healing modalities, and energy work. I also became fascinated with the clinical research and studies being performed around the globe. Modern mind and body science combined with applicable life lessons from inspired methods and plant wisdom became my expertise. Now, I continue to learn by sharing the lessons and guiding others to the self healers path.